Holistic Wellness with Mena

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Anchovie-Flavored Mushrooms & Carrots

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(Originally published 6 Sept 2016 at https://cornfreehippie.com)

This 3 Ingredient Dish was created out of a need to use mushrooms and carrots that had not seen a fridge for a bit and needed to be cooked. Mini-Foodie M suggested anchovies and voilà a tasty twist on mushrooms and carrots. Because the anchovies are salty, spices are not needed to make this dish flavorful.

This dish can stand alone or be served with cauli-rice or quinoa if you eat the latter.


  • 1 can anchovies, in olive oil

  • 2 large carrots, sliced

  • 8 ozs. mushrooms, crimini or brown, sliced


  1. Place anchovies & carrots in saucepan.

  2. Sauté on medium heat until carrots are semi-tender.

  3. Add mushrooms.

  4. Continue to sauté until mushrooms are tender.

  5. Serve & enjoy.


-Serve over cauli-rice or quinoa

-Add cashews or almonds