Holistic Wellness with Mena

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Coconut Flour & Almond Flour Baked Doughnuts

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This doughnut was born from experiments during my temporary kitchen era where tools were limited when my family moved from the west coast to New England.  I was attempting to use coconut flour and almond flour to make pancakes. The truth is that coconut flour pancakes and I do not usually get along because I am not an expert at flipping them due to their consistency. When I started making these, I became frustrated with trying to flip them whole and keeping them pretty-ish.

My solution? I pulled out my mini-doughnut maker and made doughnuts.

What were the results? Happy Mini-Foodies and Mama.

The ingredients also have a story. Being in a kitchen without a fridge definitely makes a cook creative with the limitations.  I have made these with water and with coconut milk. I am sure that they would work with other milks as well. I started out making them with arrowroot flour, but soon ran out and found that, while it is nice to have, these are fluffy and tasty without it and so I adjusted the ratios of the remaining ingredients.

For the first few times I have made these, I used applesauce and pumpkin butter for both moisture, sweetness and flavor. I have since omitted pumpkin butter and added applesauce which has resulted in flavor variations.  What you will find below is the basic pumpkin butter recipe with notes on the adjustments when omitting the pumpkin butter.

Coconut Flour & Almond Meal Baked Doughnuts


Optional for Chai Spice Applesauce Doughnut:


  1. Whisk or stir using a fork the wet ingredient until well incorporated.  

  2. Add dry ingredients. 

  3. Continue to mix until well incorporated & free of lumps. (For Chai Spiced option: add spices. 

  4. Mix until incorporated.)  

  5. Add batter to your mini-donut maker according to manufacturer’s instructions & bake.


If using toppings, when doughnuts are still warm, add chocolate chips so they may melt. 

Add pumpkin butter to enjoy a pseudo-jelly doughnut.